

“Trust and Obey-Jack Blake”

Categories: Blessings from God, Hope

Good Morning

Blessed be the Lord our God who blesses us every day with His lovingkindness, mercy, grace and all that is good. He is our refuge and our strength, a real help in times of trouble. ( Psalms 46.1). In Him alone is eternal life, without Him is death and eternal damnation.

Reading from Jeremiah 17.7; Blessed is he who trusts in the Lord and whose hope is in the Lord. Trust and obey Him for He is the rock of our salvation, His word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Psalm 119.105) Brethren and friends, God is our only hope. God gives and takes life as He chooses. We have life now, but no one knows when our last breath will be drawn.

Thanks for reading.