

“Trust and Hope in Jesus-Jack Blake”

Categories: Hope, Obediance

Greetings, Friends, and Brethren,

Through the resurrection of Jesus our Savior, the author and finisher of our faith, who has been given all authority over all things in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28.18).  We have hope.  No matter how wicked and evil the world becomes we have hope in His word; be of good cheer I have overcome the world and His promise; I will never leave you nor forsake you (John 16.33; Hebrews 13.5).  These things are for the obedient faithful and encourage us to follow Jesus every day.  Friends open your Bibles.  Read, hear and obey His word before it's too late.  Brethren do not let the world's trials and temptations cause you to drift from God.  Keep the faith, read your Bible daily, lean on His arms and remain faithful till death.