

“Near To the Heart of God-Jack Blake”

Categories: Mercy, Our Salvation, Seeking God

Greetings, Friends and Brethren

Jesus was sent from the heart of God to this low ground of sin and sorrow to seek and save the lost of this world.  Now if Jesus was sent from the heart of God and we truly want to be near to the heart of God where there is calm, peace and release from the troubles of the world, then we need to set our minds not on things of earth but on things on high and stay close to the blessed Redeemer, Jesus the Christ, by picking up our cross daily and following Him.  Brethren we can make a difference by seeking the lost, teaching them the truths of the gospel and conducting our lives with the same mind as Christ.

Father, draw us nearer still nearer to the cross where Jesus died.  Nearer still nearer to thy heart.  Our sinful and contrite hearts we bring to thee to be washed and cleansed in the precious blood of our Savior.  We resign and crucify all of sins pleasures, pride and desires and want now to only do Your will.  Help us, Father, to find that quiet place of rest near to Your heart.

In Jesus name, AMEN